Worldwide Intercessory
Communion Network
of Catholic Charismatic Renewal
Beloved brothers and sisters in Christ - intercessors!
For the last two years different spiritual realities from several countries from Central and Eastern Europe are involved in this initiative through coordinations of charismatic renewals. We see wonderful fruits of praying for common intentions.
We pray in strong fellowship for one another and for the whole world.
The power of fellowship in intercessory prayer is most needed in these moments! We believe that many of you have started to pray in THE CIRCLE OF YOUR FAMILY and thus have become stronger as the living Church. We are convinced that the Lord is calling us to a persistent prayer of REPENTANCE, RENUNCIATION, FASTING, and PENANCE FOR THE CONVERSION of the nations involved in prayer and the whole World. (Psalm 51)
During the Lent 2020 we have truely experienced in our hearts the words of the gospel: “Repent and believe the gospel!” (Mk 1.15) and from that time numerous prayer initiatives kept coming from all sides of the world. They are all praiseworthy and it is good to have them because people in this situation have a great need for prayer.
Catholic Charismatic Renewals of countries included in, were encouraged by many individual initiatives, and now want to invite all of you to join us in prayer in order to advocate jointly with a burning heart before the Lord.
This initiative is based on praying for same intentions and network is connected through internet communications based on different web platforms and social networks. Daily we’re exchanging impressions, word, visions and testimonies that we share with others.
Coordinators and other more involved in organisation of the initiative from different countries get together once a week for a prayer through video-conference. Members can follow the meetings and send messages during a meeting to coordinators if they have something important to contribute. It’s a beautiful and strong experience of fellowship in this difficult times. Jericho vigil is a form of a Jericho prayer. It follows the biblical story of Israelis conquering the unconquerable city of Jericho after crossing the river Jordan (Joshua 6). The vigil goes on for 7 days and members check for their hour of prayer and intercession with detailed instructions and guidelines. Everyone included in intercession network should receive guidelines through CCR of the home country. In some cases, as an exception, we can include directly larger communities if that’s only way to be included in the network from that country. The vigil ends on the 7th day with a repentance worship and worship the Lord with “armies loud shout” (Js 6,5). We watch, in the Spirit, how walls of Jericho fall. We invite everybody, especially CCRs to organise PRAYERS AND VIGIL IN HOMES and to connect communities through online connections.
As Pope Francis said “we’re called to be a current of Grace and obedient to the promptings of the Holy Spirit.” We especially dedicate this whole INITIATIVE to the SACRED HEART OF MARY, as we put ourselves under Her powerful intercession!
Intercessory Communion Network:
- more and more hearts,
- same prayer intentions,
- constant prayer,
- sharing the testimonies,
- growth in fellowship,
- starting projects for the glory of the Lord.
Common intentions:
- Pray hard for the transformation of the hearts and minds of all politicians connected with Russia and Ukraine so that they denounce violence of any kind.
- Let us pray to break the power of the Covid pandemic with all its negative effects, and against any attacks on human freedom!
- Let us pray for a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit on everyone, especially on the youth. A new evangelization of our countries, numerous conversions to the Lord Jesus (awakening).
- Let us pray for the re-evangelization of the Church!
- Let us pray for our countries and Europe to remain in and to grow in their original Christian character!
- Let us pray to have governments in our countries which respect our countries’ Christian heritage and culture, and support the natural family, protect life and defend human life from conception onwards and have solidarity with the poor and downtrodden. Also that governments help the Church in her mission and guarantee her freedom.
- Let us pray that the people get to know the Truth, and let the truth spread through the media!
How to join us?
You can join us as an individual, or as a prayer group, a congregation from different church spiritual realities and the best way is that all is coordinated and organized through the CCR. By joining us you are entering communion of prayer and you have the possibility to send your reflections, suggestions and questions

To start a fire you just need a sparkle. Be that sparkle, pray in communion with othera! Every heart is precious and powerful in this prayer network.


Get inspired
Watch the video below
Prayer intentions
Prayer intentions are formed by praying and discerning. All members of Intercessory Communion Network are taking part in bringing out actual prayer intentions. Usually ICN has long and short terms intentions. All members are continually informed about actual intentions.
Personal request
for prayer
Any person in need can send their own prayer request. Those prayer requests will be included in prayer of Intercessory Communion Network. You can send prayer request on mail
The prayers
We are organizing in-person and online prayer and formation events on national and international level. For more INFO join us by sending your email on
The prayers usually are:

Personal dedication to the Sacred Heart of Mary

Our Lady’s Rosary

Chaplet and Litany to St. Joseph

Psalms 6, 32, 38, 51, 102, 130, 143

Praying in tongues

Other prayers shown to these intentions

Prophetic Intercession (model in book Prophetic intercession by Cyril John)
